Percussion knead, otherwise called percussion treatment or percussive back rub, is a type of back

rub treatment that includes musical tapping, beating, or percussive developments applied to the

body utilizing particular back rub gadgets or instruments. These gadgets frequently have a

vibrating or percussive instrument that conveys fast heartbeats or motions to the designated

regions. Percussion rub is utilized for different purposes and has a few likely advantages:

  1. Muscle Relaxation:

The fast tapping or percussive developments of percussion back rub can assist with

loosening up close muscles, decrease muscle strain, and mitigate muscle irritation or

firmness. It tends to be especially useful for competitors or people with genuinely

requesting ways of life.

  1. Pain Relief:

Percussion back rub might assist with easing torment by invigorating tangible nerves,

further developing blood stream, and delivering endorphins (regular agony alleviating

chemicals). It very well may be utilized to oversee different sorts of agony, including

muscle torment, joint agony, pressure migraines, and persistent agony conditions.

  1. Improved Circulation:

The quick tapping or vibrating activity of percussion back rub can upgrade blood

dissemination and lymphatic stream. This expanded flow can advance better oxygen and

supplement conveyance to tissues, work on squander expulsion, and diminish


  1. Enhanced Recovery:

Competitors and wellness fans frequently use percussion knead as a component of their

recuperation schedule. It can assist with speeding up recuperation after exercises,

decrease muscle weariness, and forestall deferred beginning muscle touchiness (DOMS).

  1. Stress Reduction:The musical and relieving nature of percussion back rub can advance unwinding, lessen

feelings of anxiety, and work on generally speaking prosperity. It might likewise assist with

bringing down cortisol levels (stress chemical) and advance a feeling of smoothness.

  1. Improved Scope of Motion:

Percussion back rub can support further developing adaptability, joint portability, and

scope of movement by delivering tight muscles, sash, and connective tissues. It very well

may be gainful for people managing solidness or limited development.

  1. Enhanced Tissue Healing:

By animating blood stream and cell action, percussion back rub might uphold tissue

mending and recuperation from wounds like injuries, strains, and delicate tissue harm.

  1. Myofascial Release:

Percussion back rub can be utilized as a feature of myofascial discharge methods to target

fascial limitations, grips, and trigger focuses. It helps separate fascial attachments and

further develop tissue versatility.

It’s vital to take note of that while percussion back rub can offer different advantages, it may not

be reasonable for everybody, particularly people with specific ailments or wounds. It’s prescribed

to talk with a medical care proficient or authorized rub specialist prior to integrating percussion

rub into your wellbeing schedule, particularly in the event that you have explicit wellbeing

concerns or contraindications. Also, utilizing top notch percussion knead gadgets and observing

legitimate strategies and rules is fundamental for protected and powerful treatment.

It is believed that percussion massage is most beneficial for athletes who are exposed to high

stress. For this purpose, special devices are used – percussion massagers. What are they used for

and how useful is their use?

Percussion massage got its name thanks to the technology that formed the basis of the

technique. The body is massaged using percussion, that is, active tapping of those areas that are

currently being worked on. This allows you to relieve pain from pressure points and give your

muscles the opportunity to relax.

HOW TO DO PERCUSSION MASSAGE AND WHAT ARE THE FEATURES?In fact, with the help of an automated device, muscles and joints are treated in the same way as

during a regular massage session. However, there is a noticeable difference:

The optimized percussion speed is on average from one thousand to three thousand beats every

minute. Of course, even the most capable person will not exceed this figure. So five minutes of

working with the device gives approximately the same effect as half an hour of regular manual


You can take the miniature massager with you to use it whenever you want. There is no need to

wait for a pre-arranged meeting with a specialist – you can work on an overloaded area yourself

or just relax a little.

The popularity of this vibration technique is increasing. What else will it be used for, and who

might find it useful?

Percussion massage – what is it and how to do it?


Intervention using this method can, among other things, counteract delayed onset pain

syndrome. This syndrome (DOMS) is a condition of the body in which, due to the stress suffered,

pain does not occur immediately, but after a day or later.

The cause of the painful condition, according to doctors, is lactic acid, which accumulates in

muscle tissue. Percussion is one of the main ways to eliminate excesses of this compound and

thereby prevent delayed manifestation of pain.

On the one hand, this helps prevent the appearance of pain in individual points. On the other

hand, this makes it possible to warm up before the upcoming activity and raise the temperature

of the muscles.

Moreover, many devices are equipped with a thermometer and allow you to immediately

determine the degree of heating.


According to coaches and sports physicians, this technique combines the effects of pain relief,

relaxation and recovery. The muscles are supplied with blood better and no longer feel clogged. This type of massage is in demand, including during exercise after injuries or after surgical

intervention in the body.

Percussion can be most beneficial when it comes to the back, shoulder, gluteal and leg muscles.

The massager can be used after active exercise, during warm-up before training, and during

rehabilitation procedures.

Experts are confident that those who subject themselves to prolonged constant stress and

overstrain their muscles while working at a computer or in a standing position will also appreciate

the benefits of this technique.

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