Proper consumption of ordinary purified water can help get rid of extra pounds without harm to


A person, wanting to lose weight, can resort to extreme measures. But the issue of losing weight

needs to be approached competently so as not to harm yourself. Many diets involve giving up

tasty food and limiting portions. The good thing about the water diet is that you can eat as usual,

naturally, without overindulging in starchy and sweet foods.

Rules for drinking water

If you adhere to the main principles of this diet, you will be able to lose weight without violence

to yourself. In any diet, there are rules that must be followed: this is the key to ensuring that your

actions will lead to success.

The main rule is consistency. Any business requires discipline, so get yourself a diary or calendar

to control your water consumption.

Here are tips on how to drink water correctly:

 You can add lemon to a glass of mineral water – it tones and accelerates fat burning;

 water should be drunk 20 minutes before meals to reduce appetite;

 drink water in small sips and slowly – it’s better for the body;

 do not drink tea in large quantities – maximum 0.5 liters per day;

 Replace coffee with purified water, as this drink can slow down the weight loss process;

 in the summer, the amount of fluid consumed needs to be increased.

Remember that the water should not be too cold or very hot. The optimal liquid temperature is

room temperature. Don’t forget that you need to drink water not only at home. Get into the

habit of carrying a bottle of mineral water or a thermos of purified water in your purse.

If you are actively involved in sports, the amount of fluid you consume needs to be increased. In

the worst case scenario, you may become dehydrated, which is very harmful to the body. Before

training, be sure to drink a glass of water. During exercise, you need to drink a small amount of

liquid every 15 minutes – from 75 to 100 ml.

Any habit is developed gradually. If you previously drank very little water, then it is difficult to

immediately increase its consumption to 2-2.5 liters. Every day you need to add 100-200 ml of


It is best to drink non-carbonated mineral water containing beneficial substances. If it is possible

to get unfiltered water (from a well, borehole), it is better to give it preference instead of store

bought water. Water with herbal additives is considered beneficial – lemon juice, mint, ginger,


Boiled water is considered “dead”. It is poor in its mineral composition, and it is better not to

drink it, since boiling kills a large number of useful substances and microorganisms.

The essence of the water diet

Water allows the body to quickly absorb microelements and vitamins. Substances enter the blood

and are then excreted through the kidneys.

If a person drinks too little water, he risks intoxication. In addition, the stomach will stop

producing a certain amount of gastric juice, which is required in order to digest food. This can

lead to the body not receiving enough nutrients, the stomach, intestines, and liver will suffer due

to improper functioning.

It is useful to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach every day after waking up. This will

allow you to launch the vital processes of the body, tone it up, and create a cheerful and energetic


It should be remembered that water is not a substitute for food. And drinking water alone to lose

weight is harmful.

How much water is recommended to drink?

This is an important question that should be approached individually.

For example, 6-8 glasses daily may be too much for you, since you consume additional fluid from

fruits, vegetables, and drinks. Watch how your body reacts to a particular amount of water.

The average fluid intake is 2 liters per day. If you regularly drink enough water, you can lose

several kilograms without resorting to exhausting diets and tedious exercises.With the help of water you can cleanse the body of harmful substances and get rid of toxins.

Experts advise drinking 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight.

For example, if you have a standard weight of 65-70 kg, you need to drink 2100 ml per day every

day. If your weight is 100 kg or more, then you need to drink at least 3 liters.

It is not recommended to exceed the specified norm, as this can negatively affect health. Excess

fluid puts increased stress on the kidneys. In addition, it can leach away beneficial minerals and

salts, which can lead to chronic diseases. This also leads to tissue swelling.


Although the water diet has many positive aspects, it is not suitable for everyone. To lose excess

weight and lose weight without harming the body, it is advisable to undergo examinations and

consult a doctor.

For example, it is not advisable to drink large amounts of water for people suffering from illness.

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